Terms & Conditions

We believe in keeping things simple—no jargon, no complicated terms. Our service is built on mutual trust, clear communication, and a commitment to delivering a compassionate and dignified service for our customers.


  • The Company: The Pet Euthanasia People Limited, PEP House, Park House Drive, Sale, Manchester, M33 2HF (Co. Registration No: 16114767)

  • The Client: The owner (or responsible person) of the pet engaging in veterinary services from The Company.

  • The Patient: The pet (dog, cat, or other small animal) belonging to the Client.

  • A "Visit": The provision of veterinary care and treatment to one or more small animal Patients, performed at the Client’s home or other agreed address.

Terms of Engagement

  • The Vet is engaged to perform veterinary services on behalf of TheCompany as an independent freelance consultant.

  • The Vet acknowledges that they are not an employee of The Company and shall provide services through a limited company, umbrella organisation, or as a registered self-employed professional.

  • The Vet assumes full responsibility for their tax, National Insurance, professional insurance, compliance with relevant laws and regulations, and any necessary licensing or registration requirements.

  • The Vet shall not be entitled to employment-related benefits such as sick pay, holiday pay, or pension contributions from The Company.

  • This Agreement shall not constitute or imply any partnership, joint venture, agency, fiduciary relationship or other relationship between the Parties other than the contractual relationship expressly provided for in this Agreement. Neither Party shall have, nor represent that it has, any authority to make any commitments on the other Party's behalf.

  • The Vet must promptly notify The Company if they are no longer permitted to practice.

Fees, Remuneration, and Payments

  • The Vet will receive a fixed fee for each visit completed on behalf of The Company.

  • The Vet will be informed of the fee applicable prior to each visit being agreed upon and performed.

  • A schedule of Professional Vet Fees, attached as Appendix 1, details the total fee for each Visit.

  • The Company may amend the Professional Vet Fees in Appendix 1 by providing 7 days’ written notice.

  • Any visits already booked will be charged at the fee agreed upon at that time.


  • Payments to the Vet will be made each Monday for the work completed in the preceding week from Monday 00:01 to Sunday 24:00.

  • The Company will provide the Vet with a statement and payment, meaning the Vet does not need to submit any additional paperwork.

  • If the Vet is VAT registered, they must provide a VAT invoice for the VAT element to be paid.

  • If the Vet believes there is a discrepancy in their statement, it is their responsibility to inform The Company within 7 days of receipt of the statement.

The Service

Personal Safety and Risk Management

  • The Vet bears the responsibility for their personal safety during a Visit.

  • If the Vet perceives a threat to their safety, they may abort the Visit at their discretion.

  • The Vet acknowledges an inherent risk of being bitten or attacked by an animal during a Visit.

  • The Vet must use their professional judgment and training to stay safe.

  • In the event of an injury such as a bite, it is imperative that the Vet seeks immediate medical attention.

Appointment Acceptance and Attendance

  • The Vet retains the right to accept or decline a visit on an appointment-by-appointment basis.

  • Upon accepting a visit, the Vet is expected to make all reasonable efforts to attend and arrive punctually.

  • Should unforeseen circumstances such as traffic delays or a previous appointment running over occur, it is the Vet’s responsibility to inform the Client as soon as practically possible and before the scheduled appointment time.

  • Should the Vet accept a booking and then be unable to attend due to sickness etc, the Vet shall inform The Company as soon as they are aware and in a timely manner to enable The Company to source a replacement Vet to attend to the Customers needs.


  • Should a customer cancel more than 24 hours before their appointment, no fee will be due to the Vet.

  • Should a customer cancel within less than 24 hours of their appointment, a flat fee of £100 will be paid to the Vet.

Transport and Mileage Policy

  • The Vet must ensure they have reliable transportation to attend visits. It is their responsibility to be adequately insured for business use.

  • Mileage claims will be paid within 7 days of a valid mileage claim submission.

  • Fraudulent mileage claims will result in removal from the roster of vets used by The Company.

  • The Vet is responsible for the cost of their own transportation, except as specified below:

    • The first and last 10 miles of the day are considered commute mileage and are not reimbursed.

    • Mileage between appointments is reimbursed at 45 pence per mile, in line with HMRC guidelines.

    • If the Vet chooses to return home between appointments on a given day, this mileage is not reimbursed.

    • The Vet must submit mileage claims with appropriate documentation as required.

    • When completing your mileage claim, we pay based on Google Maps shortest route.


  • The Vet must provide all necessary PPE, a stethoscope, consumable items, and medications required to perform the procedures.

Scope of Care

  • The procedure, usually euthanasia, will be performed in compliance with the RCVS Guide of Professional Conduct.

  • The clinical decisions are solely at the discretion of the Vet.

Pet Remains

  • The Vet is not responsible for the removal or transport of the deceased pet’s remains.

  • Arrangements for remains removal are managed by The Company using third-party providers.


Supply of Medications

  • The Vet will provide their medications for the procedure.

  • The Vet is responsible for storing medications, keeping accurate drug usage records and disposing of medications in compliance with the requirements outlined by the RCVS.

Presentation and Dress Code

  • The Vet must dress professionally in scrubs or “smart casual” attire for all Visits.

  • The Vet must not wear uniforms or branded clothing from another veterinary practice while working on behalf of The Company.

  • The Company will supply an electronic ID, which should be presented if asked for by the Client.


  • Either party can, without prejudice, give written notice to end the contract.

  • On termination of this agreement, The Company shall pay for all services provided up to and including the date of termination, for the performance of services prior to the date of termination.

Intellectual Property & Client Ownership

  • All personal, contact, and medical details of Clients and Patients introduced to the Vet by The Company remain the exclusive property of The Company.

  • The Vet shall maintain the confidentiality of all Client and Patient information.

  • The Vet shall not contact or solicit the Client for business outside of providing services for The Company.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

  • The Company adheres to all relevant GDPR regulations.

  • The Vet consents to The Company using necessary personal information for business operations.

  • A full GDPR statement is available upon written request.

Force Majeure

Neither Party will be held responsible or considered in breach of this Agreement if they are unable to meet their obligations due to events beyond their reasonable control. If such an event occurs, the affected Party will promptly inform the other Party in writing, explaining the situation and providing updates on when normal performance can resume.


The Vet may not transfer, delegate, subcontract, or otherwise pass on any of its rights or responsibilities under this Agreement to another party without first obtaining written approval from The Company.

Governing Law

The validity, construction and performance of this Agreement shall be governed by English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to which the Parties submit.

Appendix 1 - Schedule of Professional Vet Fees

Copyrights © 2025 | The Pet Euthanasia People Limited | Terms & Conditions